måndag 25 januari 2010

En salig bloggaward!

Det här inlägget blir bara i engelska!
Wow! I feel really honoured to recive this award from Whipstitch Sewing! It seems like I just found her and her crafty blog!
Here´s the rules:
1.Copy/paste the kreative bloggeraward on to your blog.
2. Thank the person that sent you the award and post a link to that blog.
3. Write 7 things about your self that we migth not know
4. Choose 7 other blogs to award
5. Link to them
6. Notify them about their award
Ok, 7 things about little me?
1. I used to go to reeanactments of the American civilwar in 1861-1865. And I loved to make trapper and indian costumes.
2. I love medevial costumes.
3. Deadliest Catch on Discovery channel is the best tv show in the world!
4. I´d love to have a motorcykle with a sidecart. Preferebly an russian modell...
5. I work parttime with cleaning stores and homes, before that (and baby) I used to work as a housebuilder (and working with men in dirty ant swetty clothes made me want to feel a bit more glamourous of side from work.)
6. I hate to sit in the tattooing chair- but like the results... My sleve would be finnished by now if I could stand the pain!
7. I love morbid things! Skeletons and sculls from wild animales- yes I collect! My favourite is a beaverscull!
I hope theese things came as a surprise ;)
Well, now to choose 7 others...
Well, all ones that I choose have fantastic styles and are awsome that share their inspiration!
1. Vid mitt skrivbord is a wonderfull blog! (swedish) She loves sewing and makes her own creames. Crafty and eccofriendly like hell in other words ;)
2. Gullsvansar och Kärlekslimpor is another sewingblog, Anna Nea is also a fantastic singer with a soft sweet voice- like crystal! (also swedish)
3. Little Rascal is a newly found blog filled with fantastic inspiration!
4. I´d also like to send the award back to the lovely lady who gave me mine! Whipstitch Sewing, for the style and inspiration!
5. Sugar snaps & fabric porn (swedish) She sews and work in a great fabricstore- how faboulous is that!
6. Betty Lou, hope you find the courrage to start your sewing!
7. Däckaren Svea is the blog about an old woodenboat, this blog gives me the inspitarion that I need with my boat! (also swedish)
Mostly swedish bloggers as you can se all though I love lots of other blogs to. Mabey google can help with translations of the texts?
The end for this time!
Ses snart igen!

1 kommentar:

  1. Hej och tack för omnämnandet. Jag har inte glömt dig. Det kommer snart ett tack och alla svar. Kram


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